AECdisc® · The potential analysis for personnel development for executives and coaching use
What makes people successful?
It is crucial for professional and personal success that a person’s skills and talents match the professional task at hand. Use our powerful potential analysis.
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Use our personality analysis tool to offer your customers real added value. Get a certification to become a certified potential consultant (AECdisc®). With a mix of theoretical input and practical exercises, tried and tested over many years, you will learn how to successfully apply AECdisc® potential analyses in the areas of sales and management training, personality training, personnel development, team development and coaching.
Our consulting and coaching professionals report on their successful use of AECdisc® in various fields of application.
Professional success with AECdisc®

Learn important facts about your personality on a 30-page result report
AECdisc® Wheel
Behavioral preferences in personal and professional context
Potential chart
How strong are my characteristics and to what extent are potentials developable
Motivation graphic
Do you know the individual motives of your employees?
Professional success with AECdisc®


AECdisc® Wheel
Behavioral preferences in personal and professional context

Potential chart
How strong are my characteristics and to what extent are potentials developable

Motivation graphic
Do you know the individual motives of your employees?
Do you know your potential?
Learn more about your behavior and what motivates you. Learn essential things about your personality.

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Potential analysis.

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Potential analysis in practice
What is a potential analysis?
Potential analyses measure the behavioral potential of a person and the resulting performance potential. In addition, existing development potentials that have not yet been exploited are identified. From the results of the potential measurement, the individual development possibilities can be derived and planned.
Potentials are gifts, talents and abilities inherent in a person’s personality that may not yet be utilized. The analysis of individual potential therefore subsequently enables targeted support and further training measures.
In order to make personal potential visible, a prognostic and structured procedure from personnel diagnostics is applied through the use of the potential analysis.
Based on the proven AECdisc® methodology, the AECdisc® Potential Analysis is based on an online questionnaire developed by psychologists. The answers to the questionnaire are used to analyze different personal characteristics and behaviors. It takes about 20 to 25 minutes to complete.
The assessment of personality can be understood as an actual analysis of the existing potential. Moreover, the analysis of potential allows not only the individual behavioral preferences but also the essential motivational factors to be ascertained. The result is a detailed description of the personality, as well as clear, meaningful graphics. This as-is analysis allows talents to be discovered and development opportunities to be derived. Through the AECdisc® Potential Analysis, valid predictions can be made about which roles job candidates might be suitable for and what contribution they will make to a team.
Through a potential analysis, you not only get to know yourself better but also your counterpart! The AECdisc® Potential Analysis provides a detailed description of how you perceive yourself and insight into how others perceive you. Discover how you can adapt your behavior to your environment and thus act with optimal performance.
In addition to simply looking at your own personality and motivators, the AECdisc® Potential Analysis helps you understand the behavioral styles of others. You not only get a description of how you perceive yourself but a detailed description of your communication behavior and the potential impact on others.
The AECdisc® Potential Analysis can be used in a variety of ways. Typical areas of application of a potential analysis are professional orientation and career planning, as well as personnel development, personnel planning and personnel selection.
In which languages is the AECdisc® potential analysis available?
The AECdisc® potential analysis is available in several language versions.
The questionnaire is available in the following languages:
Chinese, Danish, German, English (UK), English (US), French, French (CDN), Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese (BRA), Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Spanish ( MEX), Thai
The AECdisc® potential analysis is available in the following languages:
German, English (UK), French, French (CDN), Italian, Dutch, Spanish, Spanish (Mex)
The benefit of an AECdisc® potential analysis in sales training
From our discussions with sales managers, we can identify a clear trend: The number of sales employees who achieve their targets have been decreasing continuously for years. Perhaps the most diverse sales training and development programs for the entire sales team in your company have not brought the desired success. A profound analysis of the causes provides the necessary starting points. Is it customer acquisition, the sales processes or does the closing not work as it should? For all these aspects, the optimization approaches can be found in the personality.
The AECdisc® Potential Analysis is a very suitable and valid diagnostic tool, for the planning of an efficient and target-oriented sales training.
A functioning and well-positioned sales department with professional sales management processes is crucial for the success of a company. An increase in efficiency in sales is directly reflected in the profitability of the company. In order for you to be one of the companies that consistently gain customers and retain them over the long term, it is important that you learn how you or your sales team can sell better. Especially in this increasingly difficult economic situation, an optimally functioning sales force is crucial for your company.
The sales behavior of sales staff has a direct influence on sales success. For this reason, the development and training of successful sales staff is one of the top challenges of every company.
No longer develop and train your employees haphazardly with individual sales trainings using the watering can principle but on the basis of effective sales diagnostics. With the help of AECdisc® potential analyses, you can identify the further training needs of your sales team. This makes it possible to align sales training more precisely with the corporate strategy and the individual needs of the employees.
People buy from people. Top salespeople are able to adapt to their customers.
Successful salespeople know their strengths and weaknesses and develop themselves accordingly. This is where sensible sales training based on the AECdisc® potential analysis comes in. Thus, a classic sales training is always also a personality training through the use of potential analysis.
In the run-up to sales training, it is determined which of the required competencies are present and which competencies need to be further developed.
A clear analysis that determines which potentials are available but not yet used or not used enough is the basis of successful sales training.
In the future, this is how it will be possible to systematically train the individual focal points of sales employees and thus prevent training measures from petering out.
Sustainable success of field service training with a potential analysis
The sales force plays a central role in the successful acquisition and long-term retention of new customers. Sales representatives have the task of convincing potential customers of your company’s products or services. Thus, the sales force is also the business card of your company.
In order to operate successfully in the sales force special skills and very specific characteristics are required. The sales representative faces the customer and the sales conversation alone and is solely responsible. Among others, it takes self-motivation and negotiating skills to be successful in the sales force.
Thanks to the use of AECdisc® Potential Analysis, you are able recognize the strengths and weaknesses of your sales representative and train them in a targeted manner.
Selling is comparable to top-class sports. In sales and in sports, the last 3 to 5 percent often determine victory or defeat. That’s why top athletes and top salespeople regularly train their skills.
A successful salesperson acts as a relationship manager – and this is exactly what can be learned with customized sales force training based on the AECdisc® Potential Analysis.
The AECdisc® Potential Analysis is a valid and effective diagnostic tool in personnel development, with which you can uncover areas and fields of development that need improvement and improve them with targeted field sales training.
A concrete challenge for sales representatives is to treat each customer individually. Different people require different arguments for the same product. With help of AECdisc® Potential Analysis, sales representatives can build better relationships with customers by structuring the sales process to suit the customer. This enables them to develop a rapport with each customer.
A sales force training based on the AECdisc® Potential Analysis helps to perceive the appearance, body language and speech patterns of the counterpart and to change into the appropriate communication style. This creates trust, mutual understanding, sympathy and, ultimately, deals.
Results-oriented leadership training through potential analysis
When is a manager a good manager? If you can recognize team dynamics and manage teams successfully. This is where leadership training with AECdisc® Potential Analysis comes in.
With the AECdisc® Potential Analysis, your employees gain new perspectives on themselves and their colleagues. If you are aware of your strengths and able to recognize the personality type of your counterpart, you can flexibly adapt your leadership style and thus become a more effective leader.
Personality analysis is an effective diagnostic tool for developing employees as part of a leadership training and providing them with the most suitable team environment possible.
The new challenges of personnel management include the skills of decentralized leadership and hybrid leadership. To be successful in this as a leader, you need very good social skills and the correct assessment of the personality of the team members. The results of the AECdisc® potential analysis are an enormously helpful basis here. Managers are also required to create a working atmosphere in which employees feel comfortable. This positive working climate is created when the company represents values that are in harmony with the employee’s personal convictions.
Teams work particularly efficiently when team members predominantly perform tasks that match their talents and strengths.
The AECdisc® Potential Analysis reflects the personality and reveals own behavioral preferences:
- Reflection self-image – external image
- Communication behavior and indications of how best to act with the environment
- Understanding oneself better and recognizing one’s own drive patterns
The insights provided by an AECdisc® potential analysis make it easier to distribute tasks within a team in a more targeted manner, because the strengths and potential of team members are transparent and can thus be used in a targeted manner. With the AECdisc® Team Wheel, it becomes objectively and transparently comprehensible whether the team members complement each other or slow each other down.
Leadership training with the AECdisc® Potential Analysis enables your managers to:
- Analyze and resolve blockages and friction losses within the team
- Develop a mutual understanding of the differences between team members
- Find workable solution approaches for problems and conflicts
- Establish strength-oriented, success teams
Professionalize your coaching by utilizing potential analyses
Whether career counseling, reorientation or personality development. Utilize the AECdisc® Potential Analysis in the coaching field to uncover areas of development of your coaching clients. Identify existing abilities, potentials and talents with an underlying online questionnaire developed by psychologists.
People are born with various dispositions, only a few of them are developed into talents and strengths. Not all existing potentials come to light in everyday life.
The as-is analysis and location determination is the first step in coaching. Save time and resources by using the AECdisc® Potential Analysis at the beginning of the coaching process. Strengths, challenges and development potentials can be efficiently analyzed with the diagnostic tool of the potential analysis.
The comprehensive consideration of personality – consisting of behavioral preferences and motivational factors – enables you to professionalize your service and improve the quality of results. Coaching based on a potential analysis means having sound information and a solid basis for personalized training and coaching processes.
You receive meaningful and useful information about your coachees. Based on this, you can derive the right measures to achieve the defined coaching goals. This also gives you a direct „aha“ effect as soon as you start coaching. Often new clients react with enthusiasm and fascination to the results – an automatic increase in your personal added value.
The AECdisc® Potential Analysis not only analyzes the so-called natural behavior. Additionally, the adapted behavior is analyzed, which shows how persons behave in their professional role. If private and professional characteristics diverge too much, a destructive field of tension usually arises.
This is how you can use the AECdisc® Potential Analysis as a coaching tool:
- Determine location
- Identify areas of development
- Self-reflection
Expand your coaching portfolio on the basis of AECdisc® Potential Analysis and achieve extraordinary results. The high acceptance of the AECdisc® Potential Analysis is based on 90,000 data sets, the differentiated representation of 68 different positions within the behavioral wheel and the empirical data material of more than 1 million international analyses.
Personnel development through the use of a potential analysis
Most employees are not dismissed because of a lack of skills, but because of attitudes and behaviors that do not fit their tasks, the company or the team.
By using a potential analysis in personnel development, previously unused potential and talents can be identified. The analysis records the current status of an employee and provides results for the targeted planning of effective personnel development measures.
A profound assessment of a person, with the help of a potential analysis, comprises numerous aspects. The answers from the online questionnaire are used to analyze the different characteristics and behaviors. The AECdisc® Potential Analysis analyzes the natural behavior, as well as the adapted behavior, which shows how you behave in your professional role.
The focus is not on the professional competency of the respective employee, because anyone can acquire technical or product knowledge with a little motivation. Anyone who wants to be successful at work today needs well-developed social skills, also known as „soft skills.
Success at work depends only 50% on education and expertise. The other 50% is based on personality. By using a potential analysis in personnel development, soft skills such as behavior, values, motives and talents become visible through measurement. The AECdisc® potential analysis increases the prognosis probability of requirement-oriented selection decisions.
Another area of application in personnel development is the creation of a requirements profile based on the AECdisc® Potential Analysis. The potential analysis makes it possible to compare the requirements profile (the job target profile) and the employee’s profile. In this way, you uncover previously undiscovered potential and future development opportunities of the employee, which can then be trained in a targeted manner through personnel development measures.
The alternative, the subjective personnel development „from the gut“, often leads to personnel development measures that lead nowhere, as well as employees who are dissatisfied with their jobs and tasks.
Personality tests for leadership training
A personality test can be the basis of targeted management training.
For anyone who wants to be and remain successful in their career, personality development – in addition to professional training and development – is a key success factor. This is where personality tests come in.
The AECdisc® Potential Analysis is an effective diagnostic tool for optimally developing employees and providing them with a perfect team environment. In many teams, lone warriors work side by side instead of with each other. This inevitably slows down the success and profit of your company.
The analysis of someone’s personality, with a personality test or personality analysis, enables leaders to develop a clear awareness and a good understanding of themselves and, based on this, of others. On this basis we can build upon in one of our leadership trainings. This enables better communication with the team and better leadership decisions.
After a leadership training with the help of the AECdisc® Potential Analysis, managers are able to establish better relationships in their closest work environment and thus sustainably improve the feel-good factor of their work environment and in their team.
The insights provided by an AECdisc® Potential Analysis makes it easier to distribute tasks within a team in a more targeted manner, because the strengths and potentials of the team members are known and can be used in a goal-oriented manner.
With the results a personality test provides, you can:
- Put together successful teams
- Clarify points of friction in the team
- Develop understanding for other team members
- Identify approaches to solving problems and conflicts
The AECdisc® Potential Analysis is not only a personality test, but also a behavioral typological diagnostic tool for the development of social and personality skills. The analysis provides management respectively the executive level with valuable insights into a person’s behavior and development potential. It is conducive to building relationships with other people and also serves to reflect on one’s own behavior.
Potential analyses in personnel selection and recruitment
The use of potential analyses is useful for filling a new position and also in the company’s internal search for suitable candidates to fill a vacancy.
We know: Behaviors that are not inherent in us as behavioral potentials cannot be learned. Only if the professional tasks match a person’s natural behaviors will a person be able to solve the tasks with great chances of success and little energy expenditure. If the necessary behaviors for the task are not present, the required energy expenditure will be too high in the long run. The AECdisc® Potential Analysis measures exactly this fit and can thus prevent wrong decisions in personnel selection.
For personnel recruitment, the fit between job and applicant is an indispensable basis for success.
Every person has something that drives them. Use a potential analysis during the application process to find out what motivates your applicant and whether he or she fits the job.
Replacements due to wrong decisions are expensive and time-consuming and should therefore be avoided as far as possible. Most employees are dismissed not because of a lack of skills, but because of their attitudes and behaviors that do not fit the job, the company or the team. This is a problem that can be eliminated from the outset in the personnel selection process.
80% of employees do duty by the book and don’t burn for their job. Why? Because their motives are not rewarded in the job. Only when personal motives are rewarded in the job, people can feel meaning in doing their tasks and will do their work with enthusiasm.
The AECdisc® Potential Analysis uncovers individual motivation factors and makes it easier for HR managers to decide for or against a candidate. Decisions based on gut feeling, based on a pure interview process, are now a thing of the past. With a potential analysis, they receive a secure basis for decision-making in personnel selection, because they gain clarity about the strengths and competencies of individual applicants. Soft skills such as behavior, values, motives and talents become visible through the analysis.
Recognize your potential with the AECdisc® analysis
Recognize your potential and the potential of your employees with a professional analysis that delivers valid results. Through our process, we support you in recognizing your hidden talents, abilities and skills and thus also in identifying previously undiscovered professional potential.
The personality analysis is based on an online questionnaire developed by psychologists, which takes about 20 to 25 minutes to complete. Within the past 30 years, several million people worldwide have used this analysis to identify their potential.
Every person has individual talents and abilities. But only very few people are able to recognize and use their own potential. This is where our analysis process comes in.
The AECdisc® Potential Analysis offers you:
- A detailed description of your personality
- Clear, meaningful graphics
- A detailed description of the area of communication style, incl. description of the complementary type
- The interaction of behavior and motives
Professional success depends to a large extent on how well you get along with others. This is exactly where a lot of potential for improvement lies. Your personality, the personality of your counterpart and the application of communication strategies are closely related. The comprehensive description of communication behavior makes the AECdisc® Potential Analysis a valuable communication analysis.
Ask yourself: How well do I know myself? How do I come across to customers and colleagues? How do I come across to others?
The AECdisc® Potential Analysis provides a detailed description of how you perceive yourself and an insight into how you are perceived by others. The analysis includes, among others, a detailed description of your communication behavior and also describes “complementary types”, i.e. personalities with behaviors that are opposite to your own.
Through the analysis, you will not only recognize your own unused potential, but will also gain useful insights that will change your communication behavior in the long term. You will receive valuable information that will help you make your communication with your discussion and negotiation partners significantly more successful.
With AECdisc® you will learn essentials about your value structure, your personal driving factors. You will become aware of why you behave in one way or another in specific situations, with whom you „naturally“ get along better and why you find it more difficult with some people.
Description and benefits of potential analyses
Potential analyses provide structured information on questions concerning the ability and motivation of employees. In practice, they are often referred to as personality tests. Potential analyses are used, for example, in personnel selection, personnel development or in assessment centers for managers or sales staff.
To deal with the personality of a person is to look behind the curtain of thoughts and feelings. It is a journey to the motives and values of an employee, asking key questions: What drives them? Which motives and values determine his actions? What gives him energy and motivation?
The instrument of potential analysis maps the personality structure of employees or applicants and shows their talents and abilities. In this way, targeted personnel development, team building or personnel selection can be carried out in companies. In personnel selection procedures, for example, target profiles are developed, and the personality of the applicants is compared with the profiles. This increases the hit rate of a suitable applicant and minimizes the risk of hiring errors.
In human resources development, diagnostic tools such as AECdisc® can complement the development of professional skills.