
Understanding yourself and others better

The AECdisc® Potential Analysis is a globally recognized diagnostic tool in the coaching field that allows you to uncover areas for improvement and development. The AECdisc® profile allows you to identify strengths, challenges and development potential in dealing with yourself and others better in order to implement improvements. It provides a precise location determination for individual psychological coaching measures, including the areas of career coaching, executive coaching, salesperson mentoring as well as in coaching measures for conflict resolution.

In addition, it uncovers:

  • Self-image – external image (reflection)
  • communication behavior with the close environment
  • personal drive patterns

By using the AECdisc® Potential Analysis before the start of a coaching process, coaching can be more targeted and faster. Talk to your AECdisc® consultant about your individual profile and the possibility of making your professional environment even more successful.


Get to know your strengths, challenges and development potentials better

Fields of development

Promote potentials
Exploiting resources


e.g. of one’s own behavior, communication style or personal drive patterns


Declaration of consent