Take advantage of a globally-introduced and validated potential analysis
As a certified potential consultant AECdisc®, you will know and understand personal behavioral preferences in the work environment, in communicating with others and when making decisions. You will be able to interpret the computer-aided AECdisc® analyses professionally and to use it individually in your work with customers.
You will be able to conduct AECdisc® consulting and AECdisc® workshops and trainings in a wide range of areas, such as personnel and management development, team development, personnel selection processes, sales and support for sales organizations.
With the AECdisc® potential analysis, you will work with a globally introduced and validated potential analysis, based on the scientific work of psychologists Jung, Marston and Spranger. As a certified potential consultant AECdisc®, you will become a member of a strong network and can benefit from the German-speaking AECdisc® network.