In charge: Rainer Skazel and Dirk Thiemann

Rainer Skazel, Dirk Thiemann
Experts in understanding people
Together, Rainer Skazel and Dirk Thiemann have more than 50 years of management experience, many years in the fields of management and competence diagnostics.
Honest feedback on potentials and talents provides the basis for trustful cooperation with entrepreneurs, executives and sales people. Many well-known companies and clients have been successfully guided by Rainer Skazel and Dirk Thiemann in recent years.
Rainer Skazel and Dirk Thiemann know from their own experience how important it is for trainers, coaches and consultants to work with good tools.
Their seminars on the topics „Leadership, Sales, People Skills and Personality“ have been attended by more than 4,000 seminar participants to date.
Rainer Skazel and Dirk Thiemann lecture for, among others, several institutes of further education.
The most important talent of the future will be: the talent to discover talents.
©Karl Pilsl, *1948, Austrian business journalist, entrepreneur and market researcher living in the USA.